BUG: bulk deletion of appointments doesn't refund package credit properly

Hi @james I think I found another bug. Thanks to the lockdown I’m now cancelling the upcoming face-to-face classes and to make it go quicker I thought I could delete multiple appointments at once. I did the following steps:
Appointments->manage appointments, click on the ‘people’ icon in the bottom left of a class.
When the list of names came up, I clicked delete against one of them, that name was selected and the options for deleting came up, but I found that I could continue to select all attendees by clicking on delete for each of them.
Then clicking on delete at the bottom I got a message to confirm I could delete all 5 appointments. It all seemed to go fine, but when I checked the client records I found that 4 class credits were not refunded, so I’m assuming that only one of the 5 I selected got the refund and the others didn’t. When I delete individually it seems to refund the credits ok.
Just to clarify, all the bookings had been made from package credits. I don’t provide a direct payment option because refunds aren’t automatic.
Given how busy you are I presume you won’t have time to address this so I I guess I’ll have to manually cancel every single appointment for the next 4 weeks, but just letting you know about the issue.

Thanks very much for letting me know @Graciela_M .

I will definitely get to this! You’re right that there is quite a long development list but it’s crucial to me that everything works correctly for you. It can take a week or so for me to get to some things (and then another week as the issue works through testing, etc.) but everything gets recorded and put in the list. I hate to make promises where development work is concerned but I’d like to get to this in the next week or so.

Thanks again, James

Hi @james, I’m just notis I have the same problem, clients don’t getting their credits in return. Look forward to the updates :slight_smile:

Hi guys,

Ok thanks for letting me know. There’s a new release going out in the next few days (actually with fixes for the things that @Graciela_M mentioned re: creating packages).

Barring any major problems, this should be fixed in the release after that which will probably go out a little over a week from now.

Thanks very much, James