Coupons for workshops?

Hi, could we have coupons for the workshops too please, not just the packages?
Also, the option to offer discounts when they book more than one person in?

Hi @Cristina_F ,

Thanks for your suggestions.

You mean a coupon in order to purchase a workshop - i.e. with a workshop charge? I guess the idea is that only people with the coupon can purchase the workshop? I think this is a good use case.

Discounts for bulk booking is interesting and not something I’d thought about: I will mark this for investigation!

Is that not covered by the packages James. Am I wrong here. We used to offer blocks of 5 or 10 as well as one offs. with reduced prices

No that’s right Andrea but you can also add a ‘workshop charge’ - a payment for the entire workshop. There’s no coupon option for that.

Hi, let me explain :slight_smile:
I offer baby massage 4 week workshops, and most people will book and pay directly which is fine.
But then I may get someone wanting to buy it as a gift for a friend. In this case, the easiest way would be for them to pay me and me to give them a code that their friend can use when signing up.
Sorry if I’m not making much sense, taking the kids out today after months and everyone is very excited!

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No worries Cristina, I think many people are very excited that things sort of are returning to ‘normal’.

I get what you’re saying about the workshops, I am going to look into this.

Enjoy your day!

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