Hi I currently run face to face classes and online and the times sometimes clash. Can I get round this or would I have to have 2 separate smoothbook caelendars for booking?
I have created different “resources” for this
Hi @UKGetActive,
So sorry for the late reply on this, it’s quite frustrating that I have stopped being notified of new posts.
Also sorry but I’m not really understanding: do you run in-person and online classes at the same time? Or people can choose one or the other?
If I’m understanding correctly then probably the easiest would be to create a class that is online / integrated with Zoom but people can choose to do an in-person class as an alternative. So same service but people choose one or the other? They can disregard the zoom link if they’re coming into class, you can make it clear in your service description + instructions that they can choose either one.
Hope that helps!
Hi again Sorry i didn’t see the reply either. I run online classes as a membership on Facebook so not zoom. I want to separate this calendar from my face to face calendar so essentially have 2 calendars. Also I will soon have another instructor teaching at the same time as me so another reason why we need more than 1 calendar x