Link to the booking calendar

I want to share a link to my booking calendar but the code on the setup page just gives an error message. I get the same when share the url link given on the page.

it’s a red bar with
Sorry but a valid organisation was not found with this web address. A valid web address will look like:


If you are configuring Smoothbook pleaseclick on the ‘setup’ menu item when you are logged into Smoothbook and follow the instructions there making sure to copy the web address for your calendar carefully. Please contact [email protected] if you need more help

Hi Shirley,

Could you possibly post the web address you’re getting from the setup page here? Or you can contact me at [email protected] .


![Online appointments by Smoothbook](upload://vPiO3awl9jmvRNEexgSQng1W8A0.png)

the url link

when I share the code it just gives the book now button. I’ll try again

![Online appointments by Smoothbook](upload://vPiO3awl9jmvRNEexgSQng1W8A0.png)

"Online appointments by Smoothbook

one more try: I’ve take the brackets out…

script src=“”>Online appointments by Smoothbook<a/

Ok the issue seems to be with the ‘slug’ - the last part of the URL, where it says ‘transformotion’. Could you take that out just to get this going? Select ‘settings’ -> ‘calendar settings’ from the main menu and go to where it says ‘calendar slug’. Just leave that blank for now and then try the embed code again.

Sorry for the runaround!

embed code is working properly now.
thank you

No problem Shirley, glad it’s working now.