Logo not showing

When I upload my logo it doesn’t show on the preview calendar, are there limitations on the type of graphic and size? It shows as it uploads but then nothing on the preview


I hit SAVE preview calendar nothing shows

Hi Helen,

Could you try logging into Smoothbook and clicking the link top right of the page: ‘view my booking calendar’? Also refreshing the page (click ctrl / cmd + r) and seeing if that makes a difference? If you’re still having issues please could you send an email to [email protected] - I just need your email address so I can investigate this issue.

Thanks, James

ps I like your logo!

Brilliant thats worked - just refreshing I think did the trick?!

Yes that’s it. The calendar preview should pick up the changes though, I will look into why that’s not happening.


Hi James, I have the same issue as Helen. But the refresh didn’t work. I upload the logo, but it vanishes as soon as I leave the page. I will email you on [[email protected]] :slight_smile:

Hi guys,

There are weird issues with logos: sometimes working, sometimes not (and seem to be some cross browser issues too). I have marked this as a priority issue to be fixed this week.

Sorry for any inconvenience.

Hey James, I just wanted to give you an update on this as I still can’t get my logo up on my calendar. Thanks, Hannah x

Hi Hannah,

I’m pretty sure this is working… Could you try deleting the existing logo, saving and then uploading the new one? Then refresh the page, if the logo is not there then we have an issue! If you’re still having difficulty could you email me at [email protected] and I’ll look further into what’s happening.
