Manually adding a member

how can I add a membership manually (if customer is paying direct to my bank and not through stripe)
i can only see how to add a package

Yes, you can! I’ve done it before, but they’ll need to add their own password when they sign in for the first time.
Look at the menu at the top and go to the tab called ‘Customers’ there’s a big green button in the right top corner ‘add customer’ - I’m using a desktop, not sure if it’ll look the same in another device. But I’m sure you’ll find it.

Hi @Sara_O,

Thanks for your answer Montse!

Sorry but this is not currently possible: the only way to create a membership is for the customer to buy one. This is something I’m working on: making it much easier to sell and purchase memberships / class passes, etc. but I don’t currently have a release date for that.

Thanks, James