Hi, is it possible to have multiple URLs so one per service/calnedar set up?
Hi Scott,
Yes that’s possible. If you go to the booking calendar and filter on one of your services you’ll see that the url in the address bar of your browser has changed. It will look something like
So you can filter the calendar when it opens with this url. Hope that makes sense!
Hi James,
That makes sense. I was thinking more of the slug we provide to customers for them booking a session. So rather than them landing on a page with a list of services, they can just get presented with a single service.
There’s a lot of work in the pipeline for the calendar and that will be a feature: services / resources filtered depending on one url. It will take a month or two for this to be released. Hope that helps!
Hi James,
I have my calender view as Service Calender, now when i want to view or create unique link per service i am unable to as per your suggestion above, i think the above works for class calender rather than service calneder, please advice