Non weekly services


I am looking into Smoothbook to see if it would be viable for a charity I work for. We are in need of a system which allows us to schedule monthly services as we have a practitioner who usually visits us monthly. Is there anyway to do this with Smoothbook?

Thank you.

Hi There

You can schedule weekly events so that they show up every week without you having to programme them in. For other events you need to manually programme them each time. Unless I have missed something I don’t think you can programme to automatically show every month.

Thank you Andrea, I hadn’t seen that part before. That’s really helpful, I have to put each appointment in individually but that’s definitely a better solution to the workaround I was trying before!


Thanks @Andrea_L !

@Ellen_W , by default Smoothbook runs on a weekly schedule indefinitely. However you could create monthly events by either creating a weekly schedule and scheduling the organisation / resource / service off on all the days except the ones that you wanted. Or you could create a workshop schedule selecting only the monthly dates that you wanted (this schedule would not run indefinitely).

Hope that helps!